Our story is alive throughout our community. Through our work. Through our buildings. Through our businesses. Through our art. It is a story of our pain, our resilience, our spirit, our vision and our voice. While we love to share it with the outside, it is for us. So that we see ourselves in every step that we take in our ‘hood. So that we know our history matters. So that
we honor the struggles that brought us here. So that we create a vision of who we are becoming from where we came.
Come and feel the difference of what a community telling their own story, in their own way through art and creativity feels like. It’s powerful. It’s transformative. And it’s the foundation our work is built upon.
If you are a farmer, artist or builder of any kind, and would like to live, learn and be a part of the process with us, please reach out.

If we are going to break the vicious cycle of poverty that has gripped our communities for generations and institute a regenerative foundation for future generations to progress, we need a renewed social practice; one based on cooperation and collective ownership. These values give everyone a stake in the process, motivate people to care, build trust and unity of purpose.
We understand that we cannot force change upon anyone. The people must decide. Our people must choose to move forward for themselves. However, we can create an environment where people can empower themselves, by building a transformative infrastructure that provides pathways for progressive development that are culturally accessible and tangible for our people.